The right soil for Cymbidium orchids

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Cymbidium orchid potting demo made easy.
Video: Cymbidium orchid potting demo made easy.


The Cymbidium needs water-permeable, loose soil

The right soil for Cymbidium orchids

Cymbidium orchids need a well-drained, not too nutritious soil. You can use orchid soil from the garden market, which will additionally relax you with bark mulch. Good substrate for Cymbidium can also be mixed by yourself.

Mix the right soil for Cymbidium yourself

Normal potting soil or garden soil is not suitable for the not very easy-care Cymbidiums. It is too nutritious and usually not sufficiently permeable to water.

Substrate for this type of orchid, mix them together from the following components:

Good substrate can also be obtained by mixing sphagnum, compost soil and coconut fibers in equal parts. This soil is ideal if you want to avoid peat for environmental reasons.


Cymbidium orchids are fast growing. They usually need a new pot every two years. Repotting is done in spring right after flowering.