The Bubikopf or the Bubiköpfchen needs little care

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
The Bubikopf or the Bubiköpfchen needs little care - Garden
The Bubikopf or the Bubiköpfchen needs little care - Garden


The Bubiköpfchen needs little attention

The Bubikopf or the Bubiköpfchen needs little care

The Bobikopf, sometimes also called Bubiköpfchen, is a popular houseplant, which is very easy to clean and also not toxic. It is therefore the ideal plant for beginners. What do you have to keep in mind when taking care of the bob head?

How do you pour a bob head?

The bob head must never dry out completely, but does not like waterlogging. Always pour when the surface of the substrate has dried. Do not leave water in the coaster or planter.

Always pour from below. Do not wet the leaves with water. Also, you should never spray the bob head to increase the humidity.

When should you fertilize the bubble-head?

Fertilize the bob head from April to September with liquid fertilizer or slow-release fertilizer. It is enough if you give fertilizer every two weeks.

Make sure that the fertilizer never gets directly onto the leaves.

When will the bob head be repotted?

If the previous pot is too small, then pot the bob head into a larger container. Bowls are particularly suitable because they are not so deep. But you must have a drain hole so that the irrigation water can drain.

When repotting, you can immediately split the root ball to multiply the plant.

Are you allowed to cut the bob head?

The bob head is very good cut compatible. You can cut it back at any time when the shoots have become too long.

Is the bob head prone to diseases and pests?

Diseases only occur if you pour the bob head too well or too little. Then the roots rot.

In case of an unfavorable location or if the humidity is too low, aphids and spider mites can be affected. The pests should be combated immediately.

How is the bob head maintained in winter?

The bob is not hardy. He tolerates temperatures around the freezing point for a very short time. In winter you should put it in a bright place at 12 to 18 degrees. Increase the humidity by placing water bowls.

In winter you do not fertilize the bobbing and pour it less.

Why do the shoots turn yellow in the middle?

Older plants grow so densely that the shoots in the middle do not get enough light anymore. Cut them out to rejuvenate the bubble head.

Why are the side shoots of the bubble-head flaring?

If the shoots are very long and carry few leaves, it is probably because the Bubiköpfchen is too dark. Make for more brightness.


The bob head (Soleirolia) is in contrast to the blue bob head (Isotoma fluviatilis) a houseplant. Despite the name equality, the two plants belong to very different families.