Is broccoli allowed for dogs?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?
Video: Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?


Is broccoli allowed for dogs?

Dog owners often want to do something good for their four-legged friends by offering them some vegetables. Because, what is good for humans, can not be bad for a dog, right?

Broccoli: Healthy for humans and animals

And that's right: even dogs need nutrients from fruits and vegetables, which they get in the wild from roots, grass or even the stomach contents of their prey.

Some sources advise against feeding dogs broccoli, which can cause flatulence. Since he belongs to the cabbage vegetables, that's true. However, he has this unpleasant effect only in the raw state. If the broccoli is cooked, it is easily digestible for the dog and even healthy!

Broccoli contains calcium, vitamins C and B, potassium, sodium, iron, flavones and sulforaphane as well as selenium - all nutrients that not only humans but also their dog need for a balanced diet.
So, if you give him a portion of broccoli every now and then, you are doing something good for your dog.

Dogs, like humans, have different tastes. If your dog does not like the broccoli, try carrots or potatoes (Caution: just cooked!).