Breeding brown caps - harvest tasty mushrooms from your own garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Grow Mushrooms at Home In A 5 Gallon Bucket (Easy - No Sterilization!)
Video: Grow Mushrooms at Home In A 5 Gallon Bucket (Easy - No Sterilization!)


The Stropharia rugosoannulata can be grown, but not the Maronenröhrling

Breeding brown caps - harvest tasty mushrooms from your own garden

Mushrooms are delicious and healthy: they contain valuable protein and many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. No wonder, then, that especially in the late summer and autumn months, many collectors flock to the woods. Anyone who has no luck or fear of poisonous mushrooms when looking for wild mushrooms, can also grow some species in their home garden.

What are Braune?

Porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and morels can not be artificially bred, as they depend on a particular living environment. However, so-called saprophage species can easily be cultivated on straw or freshly beaten wood. They get their nutrients from dead organic matter. These mushrooms also include the popular "brown caps", which, strictly speaking, mushrooms of this kind does not exist. Under the name of ready-made cultures and brood of the red-brown Giant Träuschlings (Stropharia rugosoannulata) are offered. However, it is not to be confused with the chestnut pipe, which is quite similar in taste and appearance: this forest mushroom is a common mycorrhizal fungus of the spruce, i. H. he lives in close symbiosis with the conifer and is therefore not suitable for a mushroom culture in the garden.

Bringing browncaps - That's how it works

The breeding of Braunkappen or the reddish brown Giant Träuschlings succeeds all the easier. All you need is fresh straw or a bale of straw, as well as grain brood or substrate mushroom brood, which you can buy commercially. Good mushroom spawn smells fresh and pleasing to mushrooms, is vigorously permeated with a white mushroom spawn and should be brought into culture immediately - it does not last long and tends to be colonized by mold fungi.


For the successful Braunkard culture you need fresh straw, which you get best from an organic farmer. Conventional straw is often associated with fungicides - d. H. treated with antifungal chemicals - so it does not mold so fast. Of course, a Braunkarp mushroom culture will hardly thrive on this. The best are so-called small bales, but these days are difficult to get.

Applying a browncap mushroom culture

Your Braune Flake Fungus culture will eventually be created as follows:

Lay the inoculated bale in a warm and partially shaded spot in the garden. Once completely pervaded with the white mycelium, cover it with fresh, unripe compost about five centimeters thick.


You can harvest a particularly large number of brown caps if you mix the compost with manure.