A small decision-making aid for the cultivation of beans

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
High Density 2022
Video: High Density 2022


A small decision-making aid for the cultivation of beans

Fresh, vitamin-rich vegetables from their own garden is always a pleasure - beans must therefore not be missing on any vegetable patch. Their cultivation succeeds easily and their uses are manifold. They taste like delicious vegetables, as Schnippelbohnensuppe and as dried beans.

Rod, bush - or rather fire beans?

All you have to do is decide which kind of beans to grow. The most common crops are bush beans, runner beans and plant] fire beans.

They differ mainly in the growth habit, in the yield and in their use. As their name suggests, the bushy, awake bush beans have a lot of space. Less space is needed for the upwardly climbing pole and fire beans.

While the rook bean scores with its red flowers, the pea bean impresses with its taste.

Advantage bush bean

The bush bean is not very demanding in soil preparation and care and it also thrives in partial shade. It carries faster, early varieties such as "Saxa" are ready for harvest after just 60 days.

Due to the early ripening a second sowing of bush beans in July is possible. Bush beans are suitable as a direct afterculture of new potatoes. This allows the vegetable patch to be cultivated twice a year.

Bush beans are:

Advantage of barley bean

Runner beans are cultivated to save space as they grow upwards on climbing aids. They provide higher yields and are better flavor.

Runner beans are suitable for horticulture mixed culture with lettuce, radishes, beets, cucumbers and zucchini, which are planted between the rods.

Runner bean:

Advantage of roast bean (runner bean)

Runner beans are less sensitive to cold. Either the tasty young beans for the preparation of vegetables or the mature fruits that are used as dried beans are harvested.

Because of their large leaves and their mostly red flowers, runner beans also serve as a flowering screen and as a decorative covering of fences.

Fire bean varieties:

Cultivation on the balcony

Above all, fava beans are suitable for planting on the balcony. Here they fulfill three purposes - edible fruits, floral decoration and privacy.

A bucket with a loose substrate, a place in the sun or in the light partial shade, enough water and a climbing aid - that's all the Feuerbohne needs to decorate the balcony with its flowers and bear fruit. But be careful - raw beans are poisonous.

Tips & Tricks

Less well known is the broad bean, which is also referred to as broad bean, broad bean or broad bean. It is even easier to clean and can be cultivated in favorable locations as early as in March. When dried, they are stable for up to 5 years.