Small instructions for cutting bloodcurrants

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Small instructions for cutting bloodcurrants

Bloodcandles are grateful spring blooms. They are undemanding in care and do not necessarily have to be cut. Only if the blood currant has become too large, you should grab the scissors. What to look out for when cutting.

Early article planting red currant in the garden Next article Why is it, if the currant is not blooming?

How are bloodcurrants cut?

Cut right after flowering

The scented currant develops most of the flowers on two-year-old shoots. Cut them off, wait for the flower in vain next spring. The shrub may therefore only be cut very carefully.

If you want to shorten shoots, this is the best time right after the flowering in May. Be careful when cutting, as each cut shoot tip means the loss of flowers for the following year.

Carefully shorten drive tips

When cutting individual shoots, cut off a maximum of one third of the branch. There should be an outward eye directly below the interface for the blood currant to be expelled faster.

Dry twigs cut off directly at the trunk. Be careful not to damage the old wood. Transverse shoots can be safely cut. Flowers hardly develop on them. This gives the plant more air.

In addition to the main shoot of the blood currant, new, thin shoots often grow out of the ground, so-called water shakers. These should be removed. They do not bloom and take the plant unnecessarily force.

Never cut back bloodcurrants radically

In a radical pruning you would remove all inflorescences of the next year. If your currant is not blooming, it may be because you cut away too many shoot tips in the previous year.

If you have to prune the plant because it has become too big or out of shape, do it either just before the start of frost or in early spring.

Bear in mind that a complete pruning of the shrub does not make sense to stimulate the flowering of the currant.

Tips & Tricks

Bloodcurrants are very suitable for planting in flower hedges. They are undemanding and do not spread as much as other plants. Therefore they do not necessarily have to be cut, which makes the care of the hedge much easier.