Plants for the flower garden - beautiful and easy care

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Top Five Easy Care Flowers for Your Garden (Great for Beginners!)
Video: Top Five Easy Care Flowers for Your Garden (Great for Beginners!)


Already in the spring it is colorful in the garden

Plants for the flower garden - beautiful and easy care

When recreational gardeners create a flower garden, easy-care plants are at the top of the shopping list. This selection presents species and varieties that combine unpretentious frugality with lavish flower abundance.

Goodbye winter - spring messengers for the flower garden

Onion flowers make your garden shine when shrubs and ornamental shrubs are still in hibernation. The following spring messengers stretch their flowers as if by magic to the first rays of the sun:

Daffodils (Narcissus) and tulips (Tulipa) continue the flower festival from April. In summer, they continue the floral scepter on picturesque bulbous flowers, such as lilies (Lilium) and Montbretien (Crocosmia masoniorum). In May, put the tubers of Dahlia (Dahlia) in the ground, immerse the exotic beauties of the autumn garden in a shining sea of ​​flowers.

Summerly flowering plants with modest demands

In the imaginative design plan for the flower garden, one-year-old perennials may not be missing. The following flowers compensate for lack of hardiness by a never-ending flowering period:

Romantic flair in the cottage garden spread sweet vetch (Lathyrus odoratus) a wonderful summer long. The historic Rankers with their fragrant blossoms gracefully fences fences, pergolas and trellises until the first frost. If you want a colorful appearance, you socialize Wicken and Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea), the airy heights to climb up to 200 cm.


When winter hardy flowers retreat to the ground after the first frost, the hour of the magical Christmas rose beats. The native shrub adorns the garden with cream-white peel blossoms and evergreen leaves from November until well into spring.