So they maintain a wisteria rain - tips and tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make wisteria flower
Video: How to make wisteria flower


A larger blue rain rarely needs additional water

So they maintain a wisteria rain - tips and tricks

With its abundance of flowers, the wisteria is quite impressive and very attractive. No wonder he is now found in many gardens, because he is considered hardy and ensures a Mediterranean flair even outside the holiday season.

The original growth of the Blauregens shows its relationship to beans, vetches and broom. Without pruning he grows up to 30 meters high. Its legumes are bean-like and very poisonous. They burst with a bang and squander their seeds. For children, the ripening Scots are very tempting. Therefore, the blue rain is not ideal for a family garden.

The best location and suitable ground

The wisteria loves a sunny spot, but also thrives in partial shade. However, he is a little stingy there with his flower abundance. The soil should contain as little lime and nitrogen as possible, but should be well drained and nutrient-rich. Give your wisteria a stable trellis help. He has a very strong growth and can even impress gutters.

Pour and fertilize the wisteria

A well-rooted wisteria rarely needs additional watering in normal weather conditions. Long lasting drought before and during the flowering period he does not tolerate very well. Also in the bucket you should water your blue rain regularly.

As a fertilizer, especially well rotted compost is recommended. Full fertilizer often contains too much nitrogen. Although this ensures abundant leaf growth, but reduces the abundance of flowers. So make sure you have a low nitrogen and lime content for artificial fertilizer.

Trimming the wisteria properly

If you have not pruned your blue rain for a long time the flowers will fade or even fail. In that case, you are allowed to cut quite radically. Better is a regular pruning twice a year. So the blue rain remains in shape and flowering.

Help the blue rain to bloom

If your blue rain does not bloom, it can have several causes, some of which are easy to fix. Avoid prolonged dry periods next spring and protect sensitive buds from possible late frosts. If your wisteria is carefully pruned and fertilized properly, then it should bloom again nicely.

The essentials in brief:


If you do not have much time for gardening, then you should rather not plant a blue rain. A regular pruning is essential for a lush flowering.