Help, my blue rain is frozen!

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Circles Bob - Frozen
Video: Circles Bob - Frozen


Especially younger blue rain should be protected in the winter something

Help, my blue rain is frozen!

In principle, the blue rain is considered hardy. That does not mean that he can never freeze to death. Too much frost over a long period of time damages mainly a blue rain in the bucket or a very young plant as well as the buds.

Can I still save my frozen blue rain?

As long as the roots of your Blauregens are not frozen, you can save the plant. However, you need a little patience until you can enjoy the usual lush flowering again. However, the roots rarely freeze to death, in the field they are quite well protected by the soil. In the planter, however, a long frosty period can be problematic.

How do I treat a frozen blue rain?

Cut off all frostbite shoots in the spring when no frost is expected. Even dried-up buds should remove them if they do not fall off by themselves. Use sharp and clean tools to prevent the transmission of germs. At the interfaces the blue rain quickly drives out again.

Maintain your blue rain as usual and avoid excessive fertilizer. Although these promote the growth of the young shoots, but not the flowering of perhaps existing buds. In addition, an excess of nutrients can lead to yellow leaves and chlorosis.

How do I protect my blue rain from heavy frost?

A young blue rain is not as frost-tolerant as an old one and can therefore make good use of winter protection. In the field, you can for a layer of foliage, brushwood or bark mulch over the roots.

The above-ground parts of the plant protect you by loosely wrapping the wisteria with a bubble wrap or a plant fleece. Make sure that there is enough air left on the plant and remove the protection on time in spring.

The most important thing about blue rain and frost:


Most of the time the whole plant does not freeze to death and the blue-rain remains good. Cut it back and give it a recovery time.