Are there alternatives to the blue rain?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Caro Emerald & Kovacs Alternative Tango Tanda
Video: Caro Emerald & Kovacs Alternative Tango Tanda


The clematis is a blue flowering climber

Are there alternatives to the blue rain?

The winter hardy blue rain is very beautiful, but also very poisonous. That's why you should not necessarily plant it in your family garden. There are quite attractive alternatives, although hardly with a similar imposing appearance as the Blauregen.

Alternative climbing plants

Even if the blue rain with its vigorous growth and up to 60 centimeters long flower panicles is a real feast for the eyes, also other climbing plants have their raison d'être. Climbing roses, clematis, climbing hydrangea, akebia and grapevine are just a few examples. The trumpet flower and the morning glory are also among the climbing plants.

Blue flowering plants

Among the creepers mentioned, there are also some varieties with blue flowers. For example, you can buy a blue-flowering clematis, a climbing winch or a blue climbing hydrangea. If it is not necessarily a climbing plant, then you will also find among the shrubs blue-flowering specimens. This includes the real lilac as well as the summer lilac or a rhododendron.

The climbing hydrangea

The climbing hydrangea can reach heights of up to 10 meters, growing in sunny to shady spots. Thanks to their attachment roots, climbing hydrangeas do not necessarily need a climbing frame, let alone a stable one like the blue rain. They also grow well on walls and walls, but also leave visible traces there.

The clematis

The clematis, also called clematis, is available in different variants in terms of size, flowering time and flower color. Here you have a particularly large selection. Wild species are also relatively resistant to root fungi. The ideal location is west, as the Clematis likes the sun, but not too much heat at the roots.

climbing roses

The climbing roses also score with an incredible variety of shapes and colors. There are fragrant variants and particularly vigorous specimens. The color blue you will not find here, but many reds, pinks and yellows and bright white. Climbing roses prefer a breezy place with lots of light.

Possible alternatives to the blue rain:


Instead of a Blauregens you can put other climbing plants in your garden. Hydrangeas and clematis are also available with blue flowers.