How to properly care for your pear tree!

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Pear trees - Complete Growing Guide
Video: How to Grow Pear trees - Complete Growing Guide


How to properly care for your pear tree!

Pear trees are not only very decorative. They are ideal shade donors and provide sweet, tasty fruits in autumn. In addition to the right location, good care also plays a major role in the prosperity of the tree.

Early article plant pear tree in the garden - what should be considered? Next article

How often do pear trees have to be cast?

Pear trees need a moist location without waterlogging. When the soil is dry, you must first of all water young trees in time.

How are pear trees fertilized?

If the soil in the planting hole has been improved in advance with mature compost or manure, the pear tree hardly needs fertilizer. If necessary, some mature compost can be sprinkled from time to time.

Helpful is a mulch cover. It not only prevents dehydration, but also provides the tree with nutrients. For commercially available fruit fertilizer, attention must be paid to low-nitrogen varieties.

Do pear trees need to be cut?

After flowering, a summer cut follows. In spring or autumn is time for a shape cut. When cutting pear tree also dried and dead branches are removed.

Does the pear tree need winter protection?

Winter protection is not necessary.

Which diseases can occur?

Pear trees are susceptible to various diseases and fungi. This includes:

The most common occurs pear grid. He shows himself through orange spots on the leaves. Resistant pear varieties do not exist so far. In case of very strong infestation, repeated spraying helps against the pathogen.

If attacked by fire blight, the leaves wither and turn black. This disease must be reported to the Horticultural Office.

In general it can be said that a slight disease infestation hardly damages the tree. Only in case of heavy infestation you have to intervene. To prevent it, you should not compost the foliage, but burn it or give it to the garbage disposal. Dropped fruit mummies must be collected and disposed of as well.

Which pests need to be respected?

Pear-leaf suckers are fleas that suck the leaves and then cover them with a mushroom. The pear gnat drills into the fruit and causes it to cripple and fall before the harvest time. Again, injecting can be helpful.

The roots of the pear tree are endangered by voles. Voles should therefore be distributed. The root ball of young trees can be protected from damage by the rodents through a basket of close-meshed wire.

The pear tree does not carry, why is that?

There are a number of ways why a pear tree does not carry. Some varieties bloom only every other year. Care mistakes and mistakes while cutting can prevent flowering. Great dryness makes the flower fail. In some years, frost breaks at flowering time destroy the flowers.

Tips & Tricks

Pear trees need more care than, for example, apple trees. Ensure a good location and water the tree sufficiently. Inspect leaves and trunk regularly for stains. Particular attention should be paid to the undersides of the leaves.