How fast does a sycamore tree grow? - Overview of growth per year

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Identifying Sycamore
Video: Identifying Sycamore


A sycamore is growing relatively fast

How fast does a sycamore tree grow? - Overview of growth per year

The annual increase in trees determines significantly the extent of the cutting work. If you love a sycamore as a house tree, you can at least influence how often you have to reach a scissor with a specific variety selection. This overview gives you exact details about the annual varietal growth on Acer pseudoplatanus.

The more magnificent, the slower the growth - an overview

For impatient gardeners, the speed of growth of the pure species is unrivaled fast. If the focus is on a magnificent autumn color and a compact crown, the annual growth takes a back seat. So fast shoot the sycamore and its most beautiful varieties in the air: