Can you freeze ginger? Yes, very good even!

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Angela’s New Look - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 23
Video: Angela’s New Look - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 23


Ginger can also be frozen in ice cubes

Can you freeze ginger? Yes, very good even!

Ginger is quite strong in taste. Often a small piece is enough to spread its typical aroma in the food. But where to go with the rest of the healthy root? Can you freeze it? Yes! Whole, in pieces and even grated.

Freeze only perfect ginger

Who knows how long the ginger is already in the supermarket and waiting for its buyer? Days or weeks could be quite. The ginger is long-lasting, but it should be used as fresh as possible. By this you will recognize fresh pieces:


The Chinese ginger tastes fruity and usually comes from conventional cultivation. Peru, on the other hand, is often a supplier of organic wine, which is characterized by a spicy-spicy note.

Put ginger in the chest

Freezing a piece of ginger is a job of seconds. First, the root is freed by hand from coarse dirt and cut out lazy places. Thereafter, the cleaned and dry root is wrapped in aluminum foil and then placed in a freezer bag. After the well-sealed bag has found its place in the freezer, all the work is already over.

Cut pieces and freeze

If the frozen ginger root is to be consumed only gradually, it makes sense immediately to freeze them in suitable pieces. This makes removal quicker and easier.

It does not matter if you slice or dice the root. Above all, it should be peeled before. A sharp knife has worked well with the hard ginger root. Before freezing, the air must be squeezed out of the freezer bag by hand or sucked out with a vacuuming device.

Freeze grated ginger

If necessary, you can also freeze the ginger root rubbed. In this variant, the best way to proceed is as follows:

    Clean the ginger root and free it from the peel. Rub the ginger on a grater, fine as it is. Divide the total into several heaps. Spread the piles on a wooden board and then cover with cling film. Place the board with the ginger piles in the freezer for some time. Once the grated ginger is slightly frozen, you can put it in a suitable box. The individual piles do not stick together.

Durability varies

Frozen ginger can be used in good conscience for three months.If frozen as a whole, it can withstand the frost for even longer.