Fight snails in the garden - Tips & Tricks against the snail plague

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fight snails in the garden - Tips & Tricks against the snail plague - Garden
Fight snails in the garden - Tips & Tricks against the snail plague - Garden


Snails are reluctantly seen in the garden

Fight snails in the garden - Tips & Tricks against the snail plague

Silently they turn up in the dusk to bare ornamental and useful plants. Nudibranchs are a tough opponent in the garden, which is hard to fight. Still, defenseless gardeners are not facing the voracious pests. How you stay true to the ecological principles in snail control and still gain the upper hand, betrayed these tips and tricks.

Defense strategies - this is how to keep nudibranchs away from the garden

Once slugs have landed on the property and laid their eggs, the snail plague can only be released with the help of complex measures. By making your garden for the pests uninteresting, ward off the bugs in advance. The focus is on dry, light-filled conditions, because the nocturnal snails love it dark and damp. The following strategies have worked well in practice:

When designing the garden, make sure that there are no dark, damp niches. Carefully cut back shrubs and trees so that the sunlight can penetrate into all regions. The finer crumbly the garden soil, the less attractive for snails and their brood. Rake and rake the soil regularly even in mild winters.

Protective aid from the animal kingdom - with beneficials against snails

Slug pellets and other poison traps only work selectively and affect other creatures. In the nature-managed garden, therefore, the chemical club is mothballed and trusted in the snail fight on the Schützenhilfe from the animal kingdom. These beneficials fight a snail plague with a lot of perseverance and enthusiasm:

Other helpers from the animal kingdom are microscopically small, which does not impair their effectiveness against the snail plague. Nematodes of the genus Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita are spread with the watering can in the garden to decompose nudibranchs within a short time. So that nematodes as nontoxic snail control meet the expectations, soil temperatures between 10 and 25 degrees Celsius are required and the consequent renouncement of fertilizer with ferrous sulfate.

Coffee grounds & Co. - deadly home remedies as a last resort

Under high pressure of an escalating snail plague, various home remedies are available to fight nudibranchs rigorously. The focus is on two methods that, despite the absence of toxic ingredients, still have fatal consequences.

coffee grounds

Caffeine is lethal to nudibranches even in small quantities. In order to use the home remedy in snail control properly, let now dry coffee grounds after brewing. Then sprinkle the brown granules thinly at all infestations. Please note that coffee grounds can lower the pH in the soil. In addition, the home remedy should be refreshed after every downpour. Tea-drinking house gardeners use dried tea set, as tein has a similar effect on slugs as caffeine.

beer case

The smell of beer magically attracts nudibranchs. You use this circumstance for the construction of a deadly trap. To do this, dig an old cucumber or similar container to the edge of the bed. Then you fill stale beer to half-height. The approaching snails fall into the liquid and drown. So that the seductive fragrance does not lure all snails from the environment into your garden, the beer trap should always be used in combination with a worm fence.

Liverwort spoils the appetite of snails

Do not you want to condemn hungry slugs to death, but just want to dishonor? Then Mother Nature with Moss will provide you with an effective remedy that will thoroughly spoil the pests' appetites for your useful and ornamental plants. As green land plants, mosses do not have thorns, poisonous sap or a bark to keep off predators. Consequently, they exude a fragrance that snails can not stand. How to ward off a snail plague with liverwort:

As usual with all natural remedies, success will only become apparent over time. Therefore, use Liverwort as a preventative measure for endangered plant species and seedlings. Experience has shown that plants treated with liverwort are not only spurned by nudibranchs.Moreover, the plants rarely have to complain of fungal infections, such as mildew or gray mold.


If you plant garden herbs, sage must not be missing in the planting plan. The valuable spice and medicinal plant emits an intense scent that is proven to deter an approaching snail horde. By treating sage with lettuce, bluebells, chrysanthemums and grease hens, the Mediterranean herbal plant is useful as a floral bodyguard against ravenous nudibranchs.