Comfrey proliferate: Which methods are recommended?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Comfrey Uses & Comfrey Poultice Demonstration
Video: Comfrey Uses & Comfrey Poultice Demonstration


Comfrey proliferate: Which methods are recommended?

No wonder why herbalists plant comfrey in their own garden - comfrey is known as a medicinal herb and natural fertilizer. But how can you increase the yield or how can it be increased?

Propagation method 1: Sowing

Many try to sow the legwells. This is basically recommended for those who have no comfrey plant in the garden. Sowing should be started between March and April or alternatively between September and November.

Comfrey can be brought forward on the windowsill or sown directly in the field. In cooler regions, preference is preferable. Then the comfrey can be planted in the garden from May.

The brown-black and between 2 and 3 mm long seeds are dark germ. Therefore, they are covered with soil. A layer of soil of 1 cm is sufficient. Then the seeds are kept well moist. After 14 days germinate the seeds. Once they have formed first leaflets, they can be exposed - insofar as they have been brought forward.

Propagation method 2: root division and root cuttings

A much faster and more effective method is to multiply via the roots of the comfrey. This can be done in addition to dividing the plant - using a spade divide the excavated plant - on root cuttings.

So the propagation over root cuts:

Attention: So that the comfrey does not take any damage when digging, he should be lifted with a sharp shovel from the ground. He has a deep root system. After the new plants are expelled, they can - if necessary - be transplanted to another location.

Tips & Tricks

If you have too many root cuttings and do not want to plant them all, you can continue using them and, for example, dry them for preservation. Comfrey is an excellent medicinal plant when it comes to rapid wound healing and pain relief.