Plant tasty berry fruit in the garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
It’s a red mountain, and in the fall, it’s natural to make some sweet persimmons.
Video: It’s a red mountain, and in the fall, it’s natural to make some sweet persimmons.


Plant tasty berry fruit in the garden

Sweet berries from our own garden are among the great pleasures of summer. Soft fruit is easy to grow and needs little care. Even beginners and children succeed in growing berry bushes well. Tips for planting soft fruit.

What conditions should be in the garden?

The sunnier the location for the berry fruit, the bigger the fruits become. Sun-ripened berries taste sweeter and more aromatic.

Blueberries and cranberries thrive well in partial shade.

How is the soil prepared?

Loosen up the soil deeply and ensure good water permeability.

A careful removal of weeds is advisable. Soft fruit trees are flat-rooters, so the soil around the shrubs may not be hacked later. New weeds can therefore be removed badly.

How should the soil be?

On loose soil berry fruit shrubs thrive best. Heavy soils refine with some sand. The ground may be a little bit sour.

Mix the soil with mature compost or manure, then save yourself fertilizing later.

When is the best planting time?

The best time to plant soft fruit trees is the late autumn. Many shrubs then bear berries the following year.

You can still bring berry fruit into the ground in early spring. But then the harvest will be off.

Which planting distance do you have to observe?

The planting distance depends on the variety and the size of the later plant. It amounts to:

When is berry fruit harvested?

Most berry fruits ripen from June to August. Elderberries and sea buckthorn are only ready for harvest in September.

How is berry fruit multiplied?

The propagation takes place via cuttings and shoots. For sowing seeds from the berries can be used. However, this type of propagation is not easy and takes much longer than a cuttings propagation.

Tips & Tricks

Not every berry fruit is real berry fruit. Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are among the botanical stones. The cultivation is just as unproblematic as that of the real berry fruit.
