Which palm tree do I have?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do Trees have a Smell. #tree #nature #palmtree #tshirt #baum #trees #palme
Video: Do Trees have a Smell. #tree #nature #palmtree #tshirt #baum #trees #palme


This is a mating palm

Which palm tree do I have?

They are relatively large with good care, are not too demanding and are ideal for the green interior design: We are talking about beautiful room palms. Not only "real" palms populate our rooms. Some plants, such as yucca, are referred to as palm trees in our parlance, but belong to a different plant family. In this article, we want to take a closer look at the most common species, so you can identify the thriving palm tree.

This is how you recognize "real" palm trees

Due to their growth form, real palms, despite their immense biodiversity, can be recognized unambiguously by the following features:

Exceptions, however, also confirm the rule for palms. For example, there are palm species that form lateral shoots, from which even offshoots can be cut. Other species form subterranean foothills and grow like a small palm group.

Some palms commonly found in our rooms:

The yucca, an asparagus plant

Probably the most well-known palm-tree palm is the Yucca (Palmlinlie), which, however, does not belong to the palm plants. Relatively unpretentious, this plant can even be up to five meters high in the room and looks very appealing with its attractive foliage. Unlike many palm trees, yuccas bloom regularly and then bear strongly fragrant inflorescences that look like lilies of the valley.

The Madagascar Palm

This succulent plant even forgives occasional care mistakes and is extremely robust. It is one of the Hundsgiftgewächsen and should therefore be placed inaccessible to animals. Like a palm, it forms elongated single leaves only in the upper area, which, in contrast to palm leaves, are neither fan-shaped nor feathered. The trunk is heavily thorned, which looks extremely attractive.

The dragon tree

He too is one of the asparagus plants and looks very similar to the yucca on closer inspection. However, it has finer foliage that can be differently colored.


Indoor palms are particularly attractive when set up in small groups. The differently shaped and colored leaves create a very attractive look and a charming play of light.