Autumn raspberries - popular varieties for growing in the garden

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Plant Raspberries - Soil Prep, Growing & Caring for your Raspberry Plants
Video: How to Plant Raspberries - Soil Prep, Growing & Caring for your Raspberry Plants


Autumn raspberries - popular varieties for growing in the garden

Autumn raspberries are becoming ever more popular - and rightly so. Meanwhile, there are a variety of breeding, which bear rich fruit in the orchard. A small selection of well-known varieties that are well suited for growing in the garden.

The great variety of autumn raspberry varieties

The hobby gardener is faced with a difficult decision in the selection of autumn raspberries in view of the variety of varieties offered.

There are autumn raspberries not only with red but also with black and yellow fruits.

Red autumn raspberry varieties:

Yellow autumn raspberry varieties:

Black autumn raspberry varieties

Growing autumn raspberries in the garden

The cultivation of autumn raspberries in the garden, in contrast to that of summer raspberries has some advantages.

Great previous knowledge is not necessary to pull the fruit. The shrubs are easy to care for and less susceptible to disease.

Above all, the fruits are very rarely attacked by maggots. The dreaded raspberry beetle is only active in spring, so fall raspberries do not suffer from this plague.

Autumn raspberries - care tips

The care of autumn raspberries is far less expensive than that of summer raspberries.

While summer raspberries make the fruit only on the biennial rods, autumn raspberries bear on annual wood. Autumn raspberries can therefore be cut down completely before winter. They are thus resistant to the dreaded Ruthen disease.

As autumn raspberries are usually not that high, they usually do not need to be tethered. A scaffold is then not necessary.

Tips & Tricks

If you would like to harvest fresh raspberries not only in autumn but also in summer, choose a two-timer-breeding like "Sugana". She produces two crops. Due to its smaller size, this breed is also ideal for growing in pots.