Decomposing stumps - This is how it works faster!

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Rot A Tree Stump (The Only Way That Works)
Video: How To Rot A Tree Stump (The Only Way That Works)


With a little help, a tree stump rots faster

Decomposing stumps - This is how it works faster!

Many years pass until a tree stump decomposes. However, there are a few ways to spend stump and tree root a little faster to rot. With these resources you will ensure that the stump will decompose faster.

Bring tree stump for faster decomposition

A good hobby gardener will spend the time until a tree stump disintegrates by itself, even if it can take many years. But it is also possible to ensure a faster dissolution.

For this you need some materials and tools:

When used correctly, the stump often has decomposed after just one year, making it easier to remove it from the ground.

Edit the stump with the chainsaw

The chainsaw is needed to make small cuts in the tree root or trunk. Cut checkerboard patterns into the wood or tree root.

For tree roots, it is also recommended to drill additional holes with a wood drill bit.

The purpose of this measure is to guide oxygen into the wood. Compost or lime nitrogen is filled into the openings.

Accelerate decomposition with compost and compost starter

They accelerate the decomposition of tree stumps or tree roots by introducing compost, compost starter and compost accelerator into the wood. These funds promote the colonization of microorganisms that are responsible for the decomposition of the wood. The compost should be ripe or semi-mature. Make sure that the material is not too dry but not too wet. Filling with compost should be repeated every spring.

In the trade, you get root ex to encourage the decomposition of the stump. Cheaper but just as successful is lime nitrogen. These funds are also given in the holes. They supply the microorganisms with much-needed nitrogen.

Sow grass over tree root

A tree root decomposes faster if you sow grass over it. To do this, however, you must mill or saw off the root in order to reach a deepening. This indentation is filled with garden earth to form a layer of about 10 to 15 cm thickness. Here you can sow lawns or roll turf. From the process of decomposition, you will not get along with anything.

Beautify tree stump during decomposition

So that the tree stump does not seem so disturbing in the garden during the long time of decomposition, you can integrate it into the garden design.

He can be planted or greened by climbing plants.

Even as an art object, a tree stump becomes a decorative highlight in the garden. However, if the artwork is to last longer, you must prevent it from decomposing by sealing the stump.


If you want to remove the stump without digging out, decomposing is the only option. The tree roots by burning or blasting to dissolve is dangerous and almost everywhere not allowed.