Bamboo growth - fast and limitless

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
My Secret to Grow Healthy Lucky Bamboo Indoors & Propagate Easily
Video: My Secret to Grow Healthy Lucky Bamboo Indoors & Propagate Easily


Bamboo growth - fast and limitless

Bamboo plants conjure up a Far Eastern flair in the garden or apartment. The rapid growth of bamboo and always fresh green makes it popular worldwide. You want a bamboo for garden or apartment? Then you are probably interested in how the bamboo grows.

The bamboo is a growth miracle

Good to know: there is not only one bamboo plant, but 47 species with over 1200 varieties. These subdivide into 2 groups with regard to root growth:

Bamboos grow differently than trees

Unlike trees, bamboo does not grow in thickness. If the stalks sprout up like asparagus from April to August, they have already reached their finished thickness. The sprouts grow into a mature stalk in a few months. Only after completion of height growth, the leaves unfold.

The largest of their kind grow up to one meter a day and grow almost 40 meters high. These record values ​​can not be achieved in the home garden. But a bamboo that reaches thirty inches a day is not uncommon. Depending on the height one differentiates:

Tips & Tricks

If you want to buy a bamboo, you should first inform yourself about the growth of the plant. This protects against surprises.