When is bamboo planting - spring or autumn?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant Bamboo | The Great British Garden Revival
Video: How to Plant Bamboo | The Great British Garden Revival


When is bamboo planting - spring or autumn?

Bamboo - one of the most interesting evergreen grass plants in the garden or park. He not only captivates gardeners and hobby gardeners with his Far Eastern flair, but all those who appreciate the Asian lifestyle. Even if the plants are considered to be robust and easy to care for, the question arises of the right planting time.

When is the best time to plant bamboo?

From April to June, most bamboo plants form new stalks. During this growing season, one should not disturb the roots. Otherwise, you can, outside winter cold temperatures, throughout the year planting the bamboo. Those who plant bamboos in the fall should, as a precaution, also ensure that the hardy bamboo species have additional winter protection from accumulated leaves or reed mats and the right bamboo care.

Bamboos planted in spring need more water. This requires regular watering and watering. At the latest, when your bamboo rolls its leaves, he tells you that he is thirsty and needs water immediately. Once he is supplied with enough liquid, he rolls out his leaves again.

So the bamboo takes root well and thrives

Step 1 - Prepare and plant the location

The course should be protected against north and east winds. Otherwise, there are for each site the pasen bamboo varieties where they unfold optimally. Pay special attention to a water-permeable and humus-rich soil. Bamboos prefer loose, sandy-loamy to humus-rich soils with a crumbly structure.

First, water the bamboo well so that the root ball is soaked. Lift the plant pit up to twice the size of the root ball. In case of impermeable soil, avoid damaging moisture under the bale through gravel drainage. Now mix the excavation in the same ratio with damp potting soil or special bamboo soil and some sand.

Use bamboo in the center of the bale only 3 cm lower than in the cultivation. No more!
Used lower means too little air for root regeneration. Then carefully spread the soil around the bale and hit it lightly. Pull a pouring edge with remaining excavation.

Step 2 - Bamboo care after planting

After planting, pay particular attention to sufficient soil moisture. And thoroughly water the bamboo. Important: avoid waterlogging.

Tips & Tricks

In order to prevent uncontrolled spreading over Wurzelausläufer bamboo by Rhizomsperre limit.