How to plant the balcony box for the winter - Tips for winter planting

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to plant winter container gardens
Video: How to plant winter container gardens


The balcony box can also be decorated for Christmas

How to plant the balcony box for the winter - Tips for winter planting

Fresh greenery, colorful leaves and colorful flowers bring life to the wintry balcony. A variety of winter hardy plants is ready for the creative winter planting in the flower box. With courage to combine imaginative creations, beyond all sadness of the cold season. Be inspired by these tips.

Early Article So you plant window boxes hardy - these ornamental plants are frost resistant Next article Spring mood in the balcony box - succeed with these plants

Top 3 of the creative winter planting

The harsh living conditions on the wintry balcony leave little room for horticultural experiments. Rely on tried and tested classics that bravely stand the test of freezing cold in the flower box. The following winter triumvirate is equally suitable for sole planting and combination:

Think of a flowering transition from winter into spring already at the time of planting in autumn. Place the bulbs of early flowering plants in the substrate between the winter planting. When winter heather, carpet and purple bells pay tribute to the winter strain, snowdrops, March breakers and crocuses take over the floral baton.

Do not forget cold protection and watering

Statements about the degree of winter hardiness always refer to planted perennials in the garden. In the flower box, the winter plantation is in an exposed position, which makes the root ball vulnerable to severe frost. Cover the plant containers on the balcony with bubble wrap. Wrap colorful jute ribbons, coir mats or fleece over them, decorated with stickers and other decorative elements.

The evergreen foliage continuously evaporates moisture in winter. The sunnier the location, the more water is lost. Therefore, regularly water your plants in the planter as soon as the substrate has dried to the surface. Wintry drought stress is the most common reason for the total failure of a winter planting in the balcony box.


The bar is set high to creatively plant the planter on the north side in winter. With winter-attractive, frost-resistant ornamental grasses you solve the design problem. A prime example is the magical Waldmarbel (Luzula sylvatica, Solar Flair '). In the winter, the yellow-green summer stems turn into a furious golden yellow, so that the grass is wonderfully in harmony with the shade-tolerant Christmas roses (Helleborus niger).