Can I plant a chestnut in the bucket?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grow Chestnut Trees the Easy Way with a Humble 5 Gallon Bucket
Video: Grow Chestnut Trees the Easy Way with a Humble 5 Gallon Bucket


Not all chestnut species can be kept in the bucket

Can I plant a chestnut in the bucket?

Even a chestnut can be kept in the bucket, at least for a few years. The Australian chestnut (a chestnut in name only) is in contrast to horse and sweet chestnut even a popular and very decorative houseplant.

Which chestnuts are suitable for the bucket attitude?

The best is the bean tree, the Australian chestnut, for the Kübelhaltung. It can also be up to 1.80 m high in the house. Since she loves warmth and does not tolerate frost, she may only stand outside in summer. You can hardly expect flowers on this evergreen plant.

Also a noble or horse chestnut is suitable for the Kübelhaltung. But in the long run it needs a big bucket. Above all, this should be heavy enough so that it does not tip over even with a strong gust of wind. A drainage layer and a hole in the bottom of the bucket are essential. This is the only way to avoid waterlogging in the long term.

Excessive wetness threatens root rot or even a fungal infection, the dreaded ink disease. It causes the chestnut to die within a few years. Too long root dryness can weaken the chestnut and thereby promote the ink disease.

Prerequisite for the Kübelhaltung

In the bucket a chestnut must be carefully maintained. This means that you should regularly water and fertilize the tree, which is otherwise not necessary with the chestnut. Only then will the plant get all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantity. Even a regular pruning is recommended for the Kübelhaltung.

Plant a chestnut in the tub - that's how it works

Choose a sufficiently large and heavy bucket for your chestnut. Too light a pot you can weigh well with a few stones on the ground. These also serve as drainage. Mix a little compost or horn chips as fertilizer in the potting soil. Thorough casting or watering the root ball facilitates the growth of the chestnut.

The essentials in brief:


For a chestnut, choose a sufficiently large and heavy planter to prevent it from tipping over easily.