How To Plant A Chestnut - Tips And Tricks

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
The Amazing Thing About Chestnut Seedlings
Video: The Amazing Thing About Chestnut Seedlings


Chestnuts can always be planted in the garden

How To Plant A Chestnut - Tips And Tricks

For some, a chestnut in their own garden is certainly a dream that can also be implemented relatively easily. Before you make it true, however, you should check the space in your garden. Chestnuts need a lot of space.

Is there a difference between eating and horse chestnuts?

Although the fruits of the sweet chestnut and the horse chestnut look similar, these are very different genera from different plant families. Nevertheless, they have quite similar needs. The sweet chestnut, however, is more sensitive to frost. She prefers a mild climate.

The best planting time

A chestnut from the container you can almost always plant. The ground must only be frost-free and the chestnut must be used to the outside temperature. The best condition for a good growth, however, you will find in the spring.

Choose the right location

Both types of chestnut prefer a sunny location. The soil should not be too humid, but not too dry. Wetness at the roots promotes various diseases, especially the so-called ink disease. Affected trees die within a few years.

Consider the size of the adult chestnut in the site search. A common horse chestnut grows up to 30 meters high, a red horse chestnut only about 10 meters high. Even the sweet chestnut with an average height of about 20 to 25 meters is not a small plant.

Dig the planting hole

Ideally, you plant a young chestnut, which causes the least amount of work. The planting hole should be at least twice as large as the root ball of your tree. This refers to the diameter of the hole. The depth is similar to the root ball plus a bit of addition for well rotted compost, which you incorporate as a fertilizer.

Plant the chestnut

When digging, notice that the ground is very firm, then loosen it up with a generous addition of sand or gravel. Then put the chestnut in the planting hole. It should be about as deep in the ground as it was before transplanting.

Water the chestnut thoroughly before transplanting. So the earth closes right around the roots right when you plant the chestnut tree. Then pour the plant a bit. Young chestnuts should be observed well over the next few weeks and watered if necessary so that they do not dry up. This is especially true in very hot and / or dry weather.

The essentials in brief:


Look for a "small" chestnut, then take a look at the red horse chestnut.