This is how tulips in the garden are at their best

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tulips in Spring - Keukenhof garden, Netherlands
Video: Tulips in Spring - Keukenhof garden, Netherlands


With tulips, bold color contrasts can be set in the garden

This is how tulips in the garden are at their best

For tulips to turn your spring garden into a colorful sea of ​​flowers, it all depends on a few, relevant aspects. Read all the details about skilful planting and professional care here. This is how tulip bulbs elicit their optimum.

Planting properly at the right time - that's how it works

Only late in the year opens the time window to put tulip bulbs in the ground. You should be patient until the temperatures drop below 10 degrees Celsius permanently from mid / end of October. Choose a sunny, warm and sheltered location with humus, loose and well drained soil. So plant the flower bulbs like a pro:

Squeeze the soil well with your hands, water abundantly and mulch with compost or clay soil.

This is how the all-round feel-good program for tulips succeeds

In terms of care, the colorful spring graces are undemanding. Pour only moderately if it rains too little during the growing and flowering season. An organic nutrient supply with compost and horn shavings provides tulips with the necessary energy. From March, please rake the fertilizer lightly on the root disc every 14 days and water. Continue this care after the flower has finished, until the leaves have died.

One of the mainstays of successful cultivation is the step by step pruning. The withered flower cups must give way in a timely manner, while the leaves remain in the garden until the bitter end. Until they have moved in, the tulip bulb assimilates the nutrients it contains. Next year, the flower will fall back on this reserve in order to once again spread a tangy spring mood in the garden.


If the summer comes with continuous rain, then the dilemma affects the life of tulip bulbs in affect. In this case, bring the onions out of the ground immediately after flowering. The withered flower heads cut please, whereas the leaves remain on the plant until they are completely dead. Until the beginning of the planting season, the bulbs summer dry in a box of peat sand in the dark cellar.