Sow wild garlic in your own garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Starting off Wild Garlic (ramsons) from seed! Woodland food production?
Video: Starting off Wild Garlic (ramsons) from seed! Woodland food production?


Sow wild garlic in your own garden

The wild garlic (Allium ursinum) is present in many Central European deciduous forests, but it must not be harvested everywhere. Nature conservation regulations and the fox tapeworm can make growing in your own garden an interesting alternative for harvesting in the forest.

Only use fresh seeds

The seeds of wild garlic remain viable even under optimal storage conditions for a maximum of half a year, so you should use only as fresh as possible seed for sowing. When sowing you should also note that wild garlic can sometimes take a long time for germination. Since it is a cold germ, the seeds should be incorporated into the soil either in summer or autumn, but at the latest by mid-February. Since sometimes even in the second year small plants develop from it, in the care patience is necessary. It does not make any sense to prefer the wild garlic to peel, as the uniform soil moisture over the long period can usually not be guaranteed. Even when sowing in the field, this should be considered and an already weed-free space in the shade to be selected.

Select the right location

In sunny, dry and very sandy locations, it is almost impossible to successfully plant wild garlic. On the other hand, if the conditions of the site fit well with the needs of this forest plant, wild garlic will spread to dense populations within a few years. Optimal is a place under deciduous trees and shrubs, as there is a continuous soil moisture and shade. In addition, almost no other plants grow under these conditions, so that competition for nutrients and light is negligible. Since in the own garden a control of the stock is possible, here with appropriate pure keeping of the wild garlic occurrence must be expected less acutely with the confusion with poisonous Doppelgängern as the following:

Allow self-sowing

You can also collect the withered inflorescences on wild wild garlic stands for sowing wild garlic and then rake them into the ground at your planned location in your own garden. In the first two years, you should harvest only a few leaves of the first wild garlic plants, so that they can continue to multiply through the subterranean onions and self-sowing without human intervention.

Tips & Tricks

The sowing of wild garlic sometimes requires a lot of patience. Quicker is the planting of a larger wild garlic stock in the garden with wild garlic onions or even with preferred plants from the garden trade.