Cultivate an apple tree in the pot

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 6 July 2024
Growing Apple Trees in Pots
Video: Growing Apple Trees in Pots


Cultivate an apple tree in the pot

While naturally grown apple trees often form very large treetops, small cultivars are certainly also suitable for cultivation in pots. Nevertheless, a small apple tree in the bucket can not only be an adornment on the balcony or terrace, but also bring delicious yield.

Draw an apple tree as an experiment itself from kernels

A motivation for the cultivation of an apple tree in a pot can also be the pure fun of plant development. So it is a nice experience especially for children to pull an apple tree itself from a core. However, apple-tree trees grown from a core often turn into a wild form with a large treetop. However, if the tree is consistently cut back as a young specimen, it can also be raised to a growth habit that is not unlike a bonsai.

Advantages when mounting in the bucket

Since the apple tree is predominantly a Flachwurzler, he feels in a sufficiently large sized pot usually not concentrated. Even temporary periods of drought he survives well, if he is thoroughly watered in between. Before inserting into a pot, it should be provided at the bottom with drain holes for excess water and rainwater and a thin layer of gravel. Thus, the waterlogging that is damaging to the apple tree is automatically ruled out.

Install trellis and column fruit in the smallest of spaces

Nowadays the specialist trade holds a variety of fruits, whose growth form is adapted to a culture in the smallest space. For example, columnar apples grow upwards in a columnar shape and rarely form side shoots. Trellis fruit is brought into shape by a targeted educational cut, so that it forms a flat trellis with light-illuminated transverse branches. Suitable for cultivation in a pot on the balcony and terrace are mainly the following apple varieties:

Tips & Tricks

If an apple tree is pulled like a potted plant in the tub, then a corresponding winter protection is necessary. Although apple trees in this country are hardy in the ground, the roots in a pot can easily take damage from the winter cold. To prevent this, an apple tree in a pot can be protected from the effects of frost in a correspondingly large pit and then lifted out again in the spring.