Plant tomatoes yourself - from A like sowing to Z like breeding

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grow Lots of Tomatoes... Not Leaves // Complete Growing Guide
Video: Grow Lots of Tomatoes... Not Leaves // Complete Growing Guide


Plant tomatoes yourself - from A like sowing to Z like breeding

The cultivation of tomatoes is not bothering. Challenging? Might be. Feasible for hobby gardeners? In any case. Profitable planting of paradise apples succeeds even without a green thumb. The most important answers to all questions can be found here.

When and how does the sowing take place?

A perfectly coordinated planting plan provides for the sowing of tomato seeds at the end of February / beginning of March. Since it is too cold for the sensitive plants in the field, a bright greenhouse, a bright conservatory or a spacious windowsill offer. After swelling in chamomile tea for 6 hours, spread the seeds on the sowing substrate at a distance of 3 centimeters.

When does the planting time for tomatoes begin?

In mid-May, the time has come for hauled or ready-bought young plants to be released into the field by hand. Ideally, allow them to harden for a few days before planting the tomatoes. Placed during the day in the partially shaded, sheltered place, the plants quickly get used to life in the open air, together with the full sunshine.

At which location do tomatoes thrive optimally?

As plants of the tropics, tomatoes crave for every ray of sunshine they can get hold of. Since the plants belong at the same time to the heavy graders, the soil should be prepared before planting. The following attributes are in focus:

If you favor the cultivation of tomatoes in the bucket, they thrive excellently in high-quality vegetable soil on compost basis from specialist retailers.

How to plant tomatoes in the bed and greenhouse?

Planting tomatoes is not complicated if you consider the following aspects. Prepare the soil carefully, by profound raking and meticulous weeding. It makes sense to enrich the plaice with compost, horn shavings, guano or another organic fertilizer. An adequate planting hole is about 25 inches deep. Before you plant the tomato, put in some stinging nettle leaves.

Insert the plant down to the lower pair of leaves. If you plant a tomato at a slight angle, this measure promotes rooting. Do not forget to install a climbing aid or a support post already. Finally, the tomato gets a generous sip of water. The planting distance is 50-80 centimeters, while the row spacing should be at 100 centimeters.

Are there good and bad plant neighbors?

Tomatoes are characterized by a pleasant sociability to other crops. Excellent neighborhood consists of basil, dill, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce, chives and spinach. An equally decorative, as well as useful community consists of tagetes and marigolds.

However, other good nightshades, as well as peas, beetroot, red cabbage, strawberries and fennel, are not good plant neighbors. Urgently discouraged from potatoes in the immediate vicinity, because they promote the infestation with the dreaded herb and brown rot.

What to keep in mind when planting tomatoes in a pot?

In terms of site conditions, the same premises apply as in the bed. When selecting the bucket, keep in mind the expansive volume of the root ball. An average size of 40 liters is considered appropriate. Indispensable is a water drain in the bottom of the planter. In addition, a drainage is created from crushed potsherds, pebbles or grit.

Should tomato plants be pollinated manually?

If you plant tomatoes in the bed, on the balcony or on the terrace, there is an army of hard-working pollinators rifle by foot. The bright flowers attract bees, bumblebees and other insects in droves. On the other hand, too few of these industrious helpers get lost in the greenhouse. In addition, the manual fertilization is recommended if you want to breed a specific type of tomato. How to proceed:

When are tomatoes ready for harvest?

Depending on the type of tomato, the harvest season starts in good weather in July. How to recognize ripe fruits:

Green tomatoes are not harvested. They contain poisonous solanine, which dissolves only when fully ripe. The only exception are green tomato varieties. If in doubt, ripen green fruits in the cellar or boiler room.

Tips & Tricks

You can simply multiply tomatoes yourself. Any vigorous Geiztrieb is suitable for the offshoot and thrives in nutrient-rich substrate in a jiffy.