Valuable tips on how to repot the anthurium properly

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How Should I Repot My Anthurium?|Laceleaf Plant
Video: How Should I Repot My Anthurium?|Laceleaf Plant


When repotting the roots must not be damaged

Valuable tips on how to repot the anthurium properly

The flamingo flower is considered a very robust plant, which requires little care and yet shows its attractive flowers all year round. Important for the good prosperity, however, is that you regularly implement the anthurium. The reason for this is not only the growth, but also the fact that the pH of the earth increases with regular pouring with tap water. These plants are extremely sensitive to this.

Which substrate is suitable

Anthurium thrives in nature both on the ground in the shade of large trees and as a sprout plant. Accordingly, they love loose, air-permeable and relatively acidic substrates. Meets these requirements:

The pot size

Flamingo flowers do not form a large root ball, but grow out of a fleshy rhizome. Accordingly, the plants do not require very large vessels. When repotting young anthuriums, a pot that is only one size larger than the previous one is sufficient. Older plants are no longer implemented. With them it is sufficient to exchange the substrate once a year.

The repotting

Be very careful not to damage the easily breaking roots. First loosen the plant by kneading or with a very sharp knife, which you drive along the edge of the pot, from the planter.

Since coarse substrate can not be pressed well, you put the pot on several times. This compresses the soil and you can refill if necessary.


Make sure not to use the flamingo flower deeper than before. The plant reacts very sensitively to this.