Even the attractive anthurium is not immune to disease

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SEE How I SAVED a DYING Anthurium Plant?
Video: SEE How I SAVED a DYING Anthurium Plant?


Too low humidity or improper watering can lead to diseases in the anthurium

Even the attractive anthurium is not immune to disease

In general, the flamingo flower is considered very robust and thrives very well. Due to care mistakes, however, the plant can be greatly weakened. Yellow or brown discolored leaves and missing flowers are the result. What plant diseases threaten and how you combat them, we would like to discuss in more detail in this article.

air drought

Anthuriums thrive in the humid rainforests of South America. Even in the room, it is important to fulfill the special demands that this natural habitat brings with it. Especially in winter, the attractive plant suffers frequently and plant diseases can spread, because heating air is much too dry.

Not enough water

If the rhizome dries out for a longer period of time, the flowers first die off. The foliage turns yellow and withered.

Always pour the anthurium when the upper centimeters of the substrate feel dry. This can be determined by the thumb sample. Always use soft rainwater or let the tap water stand for a while to allow the lime to settle. This is necessary because the ornamental plant is quite sensitive to changes in the pH of the substrate.

Too much poured

Does it the plant friend too well with the flamingo flower threatens root rot, which quickly leads to the death of the plant. Then fast trading is required:

The following procedure has proven itself:

Leaf spot

This shows brown spots with yellow edges in different sizes. This fungal disease preferably occurs in plants weakened by lack of light, lack of nutrients or air that is too dry.

First, make sure that you have done everything right to care for the flamingo flower and eliminate care mistakes. Then treat the anthurium with a suitable fungicide against leaf stain fungi.


Flamingo flowers are very sensitive to some pesticides. If you have to combat pests, you should therefore first test the selected agent on one or two leaves. If no leaf damage occurs after a few days, you can treat the whole plant with care.