So plant a pineapple that ennobles every room

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mayari Holguin Cuba. Майари Ольгин Куба Обзор города 3 Part Bitiri
Video: Mayari Holguin Cuba. Майари Ольгин Куба Обзор города 3 Part Bitiri


So plant a pineapple that ennobles every room

The exotic pineapple plant conveys pure South Seas romance and promises a unique fruit pleasure. Few are known to be the queen of tropical fruits themselves. Here, hobby gardeners familiarize themselves with all the details about growing pineapples in their own green kingdom.

Next article All relevant aspects for the care of pineapple plants

When is the best planting time for pineapple?

With the pineapple cultivation, you can basically start all year round. The window of opportunity with the best chance of success is open at the beginning of the season during the months of March and April.

How should the location be?

Given its tropical origin, the pineapple plant places high demands on its location. Take pineapple cultivation only if the royal plant finds these conditions:

With a stature height of up to 2 meters and a width of 1 meter, the imposing pineapple plant demands a corresponding space capacity. A large winter garden, a greenhouse or a spacious bathroom are ideal locations.

What expectations should the substrate fulfill?

If you want to grow a pineapple plant successfully, first-rate permeability is the top priority for the substrate. In addition, a slightly acidic pH of around 5 is recommended. Thus, commercially available cactus soil, Torfkultursubstrat (TKS1) or Pikiererde come into question. The addition of quartz sand or perlite contributes to the optimization.

How does the cultivation succeed professionally?

To grow a magnificent pineapple plant, the leaf head of a fresh fruit serves as a prime source material. Choose a mature 'pineapple' that has not been stored under cool temperatures. This is how you proceed correctly:

Before planting the prepared leaf head, press a small hollow into the potting soil. Place the future pineapple plant so deeply that the substrate reaches to the bottom of the leaves and pour in lime-free water. Until the first shoot, put on a plastic hood or spend the potting pot in a heated room greenhouse.

What should be considered when transplanting?

If the cultivation proceeds according to plan, within a few weeks within the leaf rosette a first fresh leaf appears. A possible cover is now removed, so that no mold forms. First, leave the young plant still in the planter until it is completely rooted. Then you plant as follows:

Over what period does the maturation period extend?

If you pull a pineapple plant out of the leaf, you can look forward to the first flowering after 1 to 4 years. The more the site conditions simulate a tropical climate, the faster the process will be after planting. Until the harvest, the fruit takes another 4 to 8 months time.

Which method of propagation is recommended?

If the pineapple cultivation is successful, the desire for more copies grows. In addition to pulling a pineapple plant from the leaf crown, the use of side shoots offers for the uncomplicated vegetative propagation. This produces the dying mother plant in the leaf axils and at the base. These are completely trained mini plants that you cut off with a knife over a length of 15 to 20 centimeters.

The planting of this 'Kindel' follows exactly the same pattern as with a leaf-head. Therefore do not waste the mother plant prematurely, but give it a little time for the growth of the shoots.

How to handle the sowing?

For the generative propagation of a pineapple plant by sowing the seeds, hobby gardeners opt with a preference for horticultural challenges. After the cores soften, they are planted 2 inches deep and moistened. At temperatures of 28-30 degrees Celsius, germination takes several months. If you are striving to grow a new variety, sowing is the best approach.

Tips & Tricks

On warm summer days, the sunny soul of a pineapple plant is a place on the sunlit balcony very convenient. As long as the temperatures do not fall below the minimum of 20 degrees Celsius, fresh air and sunshine are conducive to vitality.