Amaryllis fades? - With this care, the next flower is firmly in view

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
《花千骨 │The Journey of Flower》第38集 官方高清版(霍建华、赵丽颖、蒋欣、杨烁领衔出演)
Video: 《花千骨 │The Journey of Flower》第38集 官方高清版(霍建华、赵丽颖、蒋欣、杨烁领衔出演)


If the wilted flowers of the amaryllis are not cut off, they can form seeds

Amaryllis fades? - With this care, the next flower is firmly in view

Wilted flowers and green leaves on your knight's star signal that the subtropical bulbous plant is in transition from the wintry bloom to the summer growth phase. You can find out with which care the amaryllis are already attuned to another flower festival.

How to cut a faded amaryllis correctly

If a flower stalk has completely died, please do not hesitate with the pruning. Even in the run-up, individual withered flowers can be cleaned so that they waste no unnecessary energy for the growth of a fruit. Only cut the main shaft when there is no flower left and it turns yellow. The green leaves remain untouched by these measures.

End of flowering marks the beginning of summer care

If a knight's star has died down, it does not think for a long time that it will retire to the old floral part. Let a Hippeastrum take care of this, set the course for the next flowering:

As a rule, a knight star only develops its entire foliage dress when it has withered. According to the basic conditions, the foliage shoot already sets in before. Therefore, keep an eye on your amaryllis during flowering to start feeding in parallel with the growth of the leaves.

Planting in the bed promotes a flowering

If a knight's star has died down very early in the year, there are good prospects of motivating it to bloom again during the summer. In this case, cut off withered flowers in good time so that the plant can save its energy. After the icy saints, plant the leafy amaryllis and pot in a warm, sunny spot in the garden. Withered flowers cut off in this case, please promptly again.

This is how the summer care sounds

The growth phase is completed by August. Regularly supplied with water and nutrients, has now formed a new flowering plant in onion interior. Now is your knight star the meaning of a break. The desire comes with this care:

Until November, the Amaryllis stays in their resting place. During this time, cut off the leaves that have now been fed. After completing this rest period, topple the onion and the cycle begins again.


Please only dispose of withered flowers and other clippings of an amaryllis on the compost if there are no pets or grazing livestock. A knight's star is so poisonous in all parts that just a few grams of it suffice to poison dogs, cats and other four-legged friends.