Maintaining Aechmea - Tips for Maintaining the Lance Rosette

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Aechmea Blue Rain - grow & care (Blue rain plant)
Video: Aechmea Blue Rain - grow & care (Blue rain plant)


The lance rosette is a very attractive, exotic houseplant

Maintaining Aechmea - Tips for Maintaining the Lance Rosette

That the lance rosette (Aechmea) is a pineapple plant, can be easily recognized by the shape of the leaves. Of the rainforests of Brazil Aechmea there are about 180 species. In indoor culture, the species Aechmea fasciata is most often cultivated with its banded leaves. Tips for care.

How do you pour the Aechmea right?

As a child of the rainforest, the Aechmea loves a high humidity. It has to be supplied with water both from below and from above. But avoid waterlogging.

Pour the plant substrate as soon as the surface has dried. Make sure that the cistern in the center of the plant is always filled with water. In winter, you should also spray regularly with water.

Does the lance rosette have to be fertilized?

Fertilization is not necessary. If you really want to, you can give her some dilute liquid fertilizer directly into the cistern every fortnight from April to September.

Will an Aechmea be cut?

After flowering, cut off the babies to grow the lance rosette.

When is repotting necessary?

Once the pot is completely root through, you need to repot the lance rosette. Prepare a planter that is only slightly larger than the previous one. Make sure the pot is steady, as the aechmea tends to lean to one side.

As a planting substrate, use low-nutrient soil for Aechmeen or place on wood.

Which diseases and pests should be considered?

Lance rosettes are very robust. Diseases and pests occur especially when the plant is kept too wet or the humidity is too low.

Is the Aechmea hardy?

The Aechmea is not hardy. It does not even tolerate temperatures lower than 15 degrees. You are welcome to put a lance rosette in the summer, but you have to bring it back to your home in time.

It is wintered in the bright flower window. It is only very moderately poured in winter and not fertilized.


The lance rosette (Aechmea) belongs to the bromeliad family. Aechmea is the Latin word for Lanzenspitze. The lance rosette owes its botanical name to its lance-like, pointed leaves.