Water cypresses regularly

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Cypress Hill - Illusions (Official Video)
Video: Cypress Hill - Illusions (Official Video)


Cypresses like it neither too wet nor too dry

Water cypresses regularly

Cypresses need enough moisture in the soil. Regular casting is therefore essential. Waterlogging, however, does not tolerate the cypress. When casting is therefore required a bit of tact.

How to water cypresses properly

Cypresses should never dry out, but they do not tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, always water the trees when the surface has dried.

To prevent waterlogging, you should create a drainage system in the garden before planting cypresses and provide a well drained soil.

Even when keeping in a pot, it is advisable to cover the bottom of the pot with a drainage layer.

Also water cypresses in winter

Cypresses also need to be watered in winter, especially when no snow has fallen or strong winds dehydrate the soil.

Water your cypresses or a cypress hedge on frost-free days. Slightly warmed water is ideal for this.


Use rainwater when watering cypresses. The water may like to be stale. Also pond water is well suited for casting.