Palms detect pests and fight successfully

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fighting the Red Palm Weevil - A Practical Guide for Farmers
Video: Fighting the Red Palm Weevil - A Practical Guide for Farmers


Pests also do not stop at the exotic palms

Palms detect pests and fight successfully

In the entire Mediterranean, the palm weevil threatens whole populations of Mediterranean plants and has become a problem there. Thank God, this pest could not spread here. Nevertheless, palms are not immune to vermin infestation even in local areas. In time, however, the animals can be fought successfully, so that the palm does not sustain permanent damage.

spider mites

The tiny little arachnids often do not attract the plant buddy in the early stages. Only when the fronds turn yellowish to white do many notice that something is wrong with the palm tree.

Spider mites can be made visible by misting the compartments generously with water. For protection, the animals form fine webs in which the drops of water stick. Enlarged by a magnifying glass, the animals can also be discovered.


If left untreated, spider mites usually cause the plant to die off, and consequently combat insect pests consistently:


Spider mites love dry heating air. Provide a good indoor climate through evaporators or a room well. Regular spraying also has a preventative effect.

Wool and mealybugs

Lubricants and mealybugs protect themselves from environmental influences and predators by a white, fluffy or oily surface. This makes the fight a bit difficult, because many sprays do not penetrate this layer.



Aphid attack is rarely seen in palm trees. It is usually sufficient to wash off the lice with a sharp jet. Only if the pests appear in bulk, you should treat the plant with a suitable insecticide.


Always isolate pests and other plants from healthy indoor plants. Thus, the insects can not spread excessively and the fight is quickly crowned with success.