Sticky note for zucchini cultivation

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Zucchini Growing Tips I Wish I’d Known | Home Gardening: Ep. 5
Video: Zucchini Growing Tips I Wish I’d Known | Home Gardening: Ep. 5


Sticky note for zucchini cultivation

The zucchini is an annual plant and must be rearranged from seed each year. It is then necessary to procure seeds and plant pots, to sow seeds, to pimp and care for them until the zucchini can be planted out.

Get seeds

Zucchini seeds are available in the garden market or online. The variety of varieties is large. You can choose between green or yellow zucchini, long or round fruits.

Prepare pots

If you prefer the zucchini, you can use special seed pots or simple flower pots. The should be at least 9 - 10 cm tall, because the plants grow quickly. They are filled with potting soil or commercially available potting soil.

It starts at the end of April

End of April is a good time to start with the preference of zucchini plants. Depending on the variety, the germination of the seeds takes about a week. The plants grow fast and can after a total of 3 weeks to the outside.

Pre-germination is possible, but not necessary

Zucchini seeds do not need to be pre-germinated. If you still want to do it, soak the seeds in lukewarm water for a few hours.

This is how the sowing works

Off to the windowsill

Zucchini seeds need light to germinate. It does not necessarily have to be the greenhouse in the garden or the indoor greenhouse. Well suited is a place on the bright windowsill.

Do not forget to keep moist

The soil in the culture container must always be moist. Too wet soil can easily
Lead mold. Instead of watering, you can moisten the earth with a spray bottle.

Pique plants

From the 2 seeds usually also two seedlings form. The weaker of the seedlings is removed, then the stronger can grow all the better.

Light, water and heat

The young seedlings now need to grow up to stately plants. Ideal are temperatures around 20 ° C. Short trips to the sunny outdoors tolerate the plants already good. In the evening it goes back to the windowsill.

After the Eisheiligen into the open

Ideally, the planting out after the Eisheiligen in May, as the zucchini is sensitive to frost. This also applies if you want to sow the zucchini directly in the bed.