Brown spots on the foliage of the hydrangea - what is your fault?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Black Spots on Hydrangea Leaves: Why I got rid of my mophead bigleaf hydrangeas!
Video: Black Spots on Hydrangea Leaves: Why I got rid of my mophead bigleaf hydrangeas!


Brown leaves can be a sign of care errors or pests

Brown spots on the foliage of the hydrangea - what is your fault?

If brown spots appear on the leaves of the hydrangea, there are three possible causes for this. In addition to pests and infestation by fungi can also care mistakes are the trigger.

Sucking plant pests

If your hydrangea first gets yellowish and later brown colored leaves, the plant is often affected by spider mites. The tiny pest insects are only about half a millimeter in size and therefore hardly visible to the naked eye. As a result, the infestation is usually discovered only when the extremely fine webs become visible.


Spray the plant with rape oil-containing insecticides and make sure that the undersides of the leaves are thoroughly wetted.

Brown leaves due to fungal attack

Leaf-spot fungi can be recognized by the brown spots on the middle of the leaves. The leaf tissue is initially thin and eventually ruptures at the affected sites.


Remove all diseased parts of the plant and dispose of them in the household waste. The infected leaves must not be given to the compost, as the fungi survive there. When applying the valuable fertilizer, you would unintentionally distribute the spores in the garden and promote a new infection. In case of heavy infestation, additionally spray the hydrangea with a suitable fungicide.

care errors

The hydrangea belongs to the very thirsty plants. It is very sensitive to dehydration, which manifests itself in the early stages of hanging flowers and leaves. If the plant is not poured sufficiently, the leaves dry up and turn brown.

Even too much fertilizer can lead to brownish discoloration. The foliage of an over-fertilized hydrangea dries from the edge and is thrown off in the sequence.

Tips & Tricks

Hydrangea pots offered in early spring are almost always used in the greenhouse and were brought to flower prematurely. As a result, the plants are susceptible to change and often get brown leaves as soon as they are set outdoors. So get used to these hydrangeas slowly to the relocation.