How can African Violets be propagated?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
easy  How to Propagate African Violets
Video: easy How to Propagate African Violets


African violets can be multiplied well over cuttings

How can African Violets be propagated?

The African Violet has long been at its location and has conjured a smile on his face several times. How about duplicating it with your own hands? Here are the 3 best practices for propagating African Violets.

Early article The care of African violets - not to be underestimated Next article Are African violets poisonous or not?

Use leaf cuttings to multiply

This method is considered simple and popular compared to the other two propagation methods. First, you should pick a leaf of your African Violet that is big and strong. Do not cut it off, but tear it off along with its 4 to 5 cm long stem from the mother plant.

To accelerate rooting you can use a razor blade to cut a thin strip on the lower edge of the stem. Then the leaf cuttings come about 1 cm deep in Anzuchterde. Ideal is a mixture of sand and peat. Support the cutting with a toothpick or long match.

Now the earth is moistened with warm water. It continues as follows:

Sowing African Violets: It's quick and easy

Another method is sowing. Before you go to the bottom of your mind, you should know that the seeds of African Violets are light germ. Here is a little sowing instructions:

Use Geiztriebe for multiplying

A third propagation method for the poisonous African violets for cats are Geiztriebe. Here, patience is required, because: First, the pasen impulses must form for this. On the main trunk develop young plants, which you recognize on smaller leaves. Loosen these with a knife from the trunk. Continue as before with the leaf cuttings.

Tips & Tricks

If you should repot your African violets, you can share them at the same time. This is also a propagation method. However, she has not made much of herself with African Violets among friends of this plant.