Pull Lemon Tree by yourself - A guide for hobby gardeners

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Plant Citrus Trees From Start to Finish (COMPLETE GUIDE) 🍊
Video: How to Plant Citrus Trees From Start to Finish (COMPLETE GUIDE) 🍊


Pull Lemon Tree by yourself - A guide for hobby gardeners

Who likes to cook and bake, often has lemons at home. The sour, but very vitamin-rich juice is often used as an acidulant for various foods and drinks. Depending on the variety, lemons have between about 20 and 50 seeds. Instead of just throwing them away, you can easily pull a lemon tree out of it. It only takes a little while to make your own harvest, because home-grown lemon trees flower and fruit after eight to twelve years at the earliest.

Lemon tree is suitable for balcony, garden and conservatory

In contrast to many other plants, a lemon tree can be sowed quite easily, in most cases growing up within a few weeks and months to a pretty houseplant. Thus, the lemon is wonderfully suitable as a gardening object for children as well as for adults who do not have much experience in plant breeding.

The procurement of the seed

The pase seed you get cheap in every supermarket and discounter: Just choose a fresh, fully ripe lemon and take it home with you. It does not even have to be an organic lemon, only the fruit should not have been irradiated - this treatment makes the seeds incapable of germination. Maybe your local supermarket even identifies the individual varieties so that you can choose to do so. Frequently found in the trade are fruits of the "four seasons lemon" (Lunario) as well as the Eureka lemon. In particular, the "Eureka" is quite sensitive to cold, but also rather weak with many fruits.

Plant a lemon kernel

What else you need for planting a lemon kernel, you will find in your supermarket. you need

At the bottom of the plant pot, fill a layer of pebbles. These ensure that excess irrigation water is drained quickly and deadly waterlogging is thus avoided for the plant. Fill the pot with composting soil and put in the cleaned lemon kernel. He should be covered with earth not more than one centimeter. Pour the earth and then put a transparent plastic bag over the pot - this helps to develop a high humidity. The pot comes in a moderately light, but very warm location. The lemon kernel will germinate within a few weeks.

Maintain the lemon tree properly

As soon as the first green comes out of the ground, you should remove the plastic bag. From now on, it gets a bit more complicated, because it's so easy to germinate a lemon kernel, so carefully, the resulting lemon will be cared for. Need lemons

Tips & Tricks

Of course, you can also pull your lemon tree from a cuttings, if one exists.