How poisonous is the ornamental onion?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Oliver Tree - Life Goes On [Music Video]
Video: Oliver Tree - Life Goes On [Music Video]


Ornamental is not poisonous but even edible

How poisonous is the ornamental onion?

He looks harmless with his long flower necks and the globular flowers - the ornamental onion. Should one be wary of planting it because it is poisonous?

Ornamental - not poisonous to humans

Has anyone ever said that the ornamental tube is poisonous? This is a fairytale! The ornamental garlic - regardless of which species and variety - is not toxic to humans. None of its parts contains a poisonous substance.

All plant parts are edible

You can even eat garlic! Similar to onions, garlic and chives, both its leaves, onions and its flowers can be eaten. Admittedly, they are much less edible. But in principle, for example:


Only dogs should beware of the consumption of Zierlauch. Ornamental lily contains an active ingredient that destroys red blood cells in dogs.