Which yucca palm is hardy?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Garden tour winter Dec 2020, hardy yucca, windmill palm,
Video: Garden tour winter Dec 2020, hardy yucca, windmill palm,


Some yucca species are very hardy

Which yucca palm is hardy?

In the term "yucca", most people think of the popular houseplant with the thick trunk and the typical, palm-like leafy head. In fact, the family of yuccas or palms is very large, it includes about 50 different species. These are in very different habitats native plants are often suitable only for a room culture, but sometimes frost hardy. Cultivating in pots Yuccas should always overwinter frost-free.

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Winter hardy garden yuccas

The Fädige Palmlilie (Yucca filamentosa)

Frosthart, for example, is the popular filamentous palmlilie (yucca filamentosa), which can be up to two meters (and sometimes even more) tall with numerous bell-shaped flowers flower stems and each year look impressive to the heyday between June and October. Originally from North America originating from North America yucca species is frost hardy to minus 15 ° C and needed only at even lower temperatures a slight winter protection. Very young specimens must first be accustomed to the temperatures and should therefore first winter under cold conditions. When planting, make sure that you choose a bright and, above all, protected location - the Fädige Palmlilie does not like rain or drafts.

The candle palm-tree (Yucca gloriosa)

Even more resistant to frost than the Yucca filamentosa is the Yucca gloriosa, also known as the candle palm. This species tolerates even temperatures of minus 20 ° C and only needs a slight frost protection from bark mulch and foliage during longer periods of cold weather. More problematic, however, as with all Palmlilien, moisture. Provide a loose and well-drained soil and keep the plant protected from too much moisture during frequent rain.

When is winter protection necessary?

Both yucca species do not need winter protection in normal winters. Only if the temperatures fall very low or it is very cold for a long time, you should mulch the root area and especially wrap the Fädige Palmlilie with garden fleece or reed mats. Above all, make sure that the roots are not damaged. If the above-ground parts of the plant are frozen back, you can cut them off and the plant will - if the roots have remained healthy - drive out again.

Keep yuccas in the pot in the winter

Potted plants are exposed to frosty temperatures to a much greater extent than planted specimens, finally missing from the cold-protecting soil layer. Therefore, winter hardy palm trees should best be kept under cold-weather conditions during the cold season. This means placing the plants in a cool and bright room, optimally between five and ten degrees Celsius. Container plants should be evacuated to winter quarters before the first frost. In mild winters, or if you do not have inhumane wintering opportunities, you can also package the plants with suitable materials. Above all, the pot with the roots should be protected from frost.


Although the popular Yucca (Yucca elephantipes) is not hardy, it can also be released outdoors in the warm, dry summer months. However, slowly get the plant into the new environment.