Yucca palm has a high demand for light

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Saving a Yucca plant with extensive trunk rot
Video: Saving a Yucca plant with extensive trunk rot


The yucca palm likes it bright

Yucca palm has a high demand for light

The palm leaf, botanically correct as yucca and colloquially - and wrong - referred to as the yucca palm, is one of the most popular houseplants. This is hardly surprising, as the exotic-looking plant is uncomplicated in its care and very vigorous. However, the Yucca needs a lot of light by nature.

Not too much and not too little: the right amount of brightness

The Yucca comes from the warm, dry and sunny deserts and semi-deserts of Central America, where the approximately 50 different species are mainly located in the south of the US and in Mexico. Even as a houseplant, the yucca needs a lot of light, which is why it is best kept in front of a large window. Optimal is a bright, but not directly full sun location. Even a bright, only partially shaded spot is often tolerated. You will notice a lack of light when, after a while, the leaves of the yucca turn yellow, often die from below, die off and finally fall off.

Get used to Yucca before being exposed to the sun

During the summer months, you can also put your yucca outside. Here, too, the plant prefers a bright place, where you can put them in the full sun. However, this should be done only after a slow habit, otherwise it can cause burns and thus unsightly brown spots on the leaves.

Select the pase artificial light source

In particular, during the dark season or at a generally rather dark location, the Yucca can quickly suffer from light deficiency. Insufficient light results in poor growth due to the lack of photosynthesis and increased susceptibility to disease and pest infestation. However, you can compensate for the lack of sunlight by artificial light, although not every light source is suitable. Even though the desk lamp may seem very bright to you personally, your Yucca's light may still be too dark or in the wrong color spectrum. When choosing the artificial light source, pay close attention to these features:


Yellow leaves are not only an indication of insufficient light in the Yucca, but may also be due to a wrong casting behavior. An excess of moisture and especially waterlogging also initially leads to a yellowing of the leaves.