Yucca palm frostbitten - Can she still be saved?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to revive Yucca an almost dead houseplant Yucca!
Video: How to revive Yucca an almost dead houseplant Yucca!


The room Yucca does not tolerate frost

Yucca palm frostbitten - Can she still be saved?

It is one of the most popular, because most easy-care indoor plants: the yucca palm. The often very vigorous growth with the straight up trunk and the palm-like leaf thrives mostly by itself - unless you pour them too much and also withhold the fertilizer. The only problem is frost, because the room Yucca is not hardy.

Winter hardy vs. not hardy Yucca

As a houseplant especially the species Yucca elephantipes is cultivated, which is absolutely not frost hardy and therefore has no business in the cold season outside. This room Yucca must not be exposed to freezing temperatures - frostbite, depending on the age of the plant, is inevitable. Older specimens are generally much less sensitive. Bring the plant back into the house at the beginning of the fall and, especially during the winter months, take care of the airing: it is better to clear away the yucca before opening a window and letting in cold air. Unlike the Yucca elephantipes, however, there are hardy species such as the Yucca gloriosa or the Yucca filamentosa, which have no problem with frost at all.

How to detect frost damage

If your Yucca has sustained a Frost damage, it is likely to be affected by these characteristics:

Rescue frozen yucca - you can do that

If you think that your yucca is frozen, do not do anything - except to keep it away from further cold. Just observe the plant: Do you recover leaves or shoots by themselves or do they actually die? During this time, do not water the yucca, do not fertilize it and place it in a bright place. If and how much of the plant can really be saved, you usually only recognize in the spring. At the beginning of the growing season, this is best done:


In general, it makes sense to shorten too big yuccas from time to time. This rejuvenates the plants and ensures many fresh shoots.