Fertilize bananas: It's that easy

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fertilize bananas: It's that easy - Garden
Fertilize bananas: It's that easy - Garden


Fertilize bananas: It's that easy

The maternal banana plant thrives in native climes under certain conditions with success. Ideal conditions include proper care, perfect location and, above all, proper fertilization.

Golden rules

Clever hints

The best solution is liquid fertilizer. This can be used after the package leaflet. In contrast to grains, the liquid form leads faster to visible success. The plant grows faster and more magnificent.

Experts recommend only organic fertilizer for the banana tree. Caution is advised against over-fertilization. This banana plants of all varieties are very bad. They quickly hang their leaves and say goodbye.

Since, in contrast to palm trees, the need for banana fertilizers is very high, hobby gardeners and professionals often use blue seeds in liquid form. The first fertilization in March may be a little stronger. When the banana tree moves into the garden in the spring, it gets an extra helping of compost.

Produce blue-grain liquid fertilizer inexpensively:

Understand the banana tree

As soon as the plant begins to grow significantly, the fertilizer is applied regularly every 1 to 2 weeks. The banana tree loves it when a few splashes of liquid fertilizer reaches the leaves. Shiny leaves follow as a wonderful result of this care.

As soon as the season comes to an end in September or October, experts swear by an additional dose of liquid potassium fertilizer. This is added to the regular fertilizer every 3 to 4 weeks.

If the plants show symptoms of stress and deficiency symptoms, specialized fertilizer comes into play.

Tips & Tricks

If hobby gardeners want to harvest banana fruits, they must be fertilized regularly.