Tips and tricks to plant a hot pepper

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Pepper Growing Mistakes to Avoid
Video: 5 Pepper Growing Mistakes to Avoid


Only in the pot can be peperoni perennial pull

Tips and tricks to plant a hot pepper

Every second tomato or herb in the garden. How about a hot pepper? In the case of species-appropriate planting, you can expect a rich harvest in late summer. Here are some valuable tips on how to do this.

The cultivation

First and foremost, decide whether to buy specialty hot peppers, which are already preferred, or if you would like to grow the seed from the beginning. Cuttings from the nursery are available from about February. Seeds are also available everywhere. Alternatively, remove the seeds of an older, dry pepperoni pod. While you can immediately plant a cuttings in the garden soil, you must germinate the seeds in a spring pot. With sufficient water and enough sunlight, the first shoots form after a short time. Ideally, start with seed breeding in January.

It depends on the variety

Note that there are annual as well as perennial pepperoni varieties. One-year specimens can be confidently cultivated in the vegetable patch. For perennial plants you should consider keeping in a pot. Peppers do not tolerate frost and must be overwintered in the house. A bucket facilitates the transport, otherwise you will have to dig up the plant before the first frost and plant it in a hibernation vessel.

The right time

Hot peppers can not tolerate temperatures below 5 ° C. When planting, you are on the safe side if you wait until no frosts threaten more. A common deadline is May 15, when the ice saints have passed.

The floor

Hot peppers are relatively undemanding. But with the right soil, you promote growth and, ultimately, yield in the later harvest of the fruits. The optimal soil conditions are characterized by the following criteria:

The site

Pepperoni plants are in the true sense very undemanding. At the location, however, they make certain demands:

Protection against weeds

To avoid disturbing weed growth around the pepperoni, a mulch foil helps. In addition, this has the advantage that the earth heats under her, which is the growth of your hot peppers to good. When laying out, proceed as follows:

Plant hot peppers in the soil

During the final planting, you must be careful not to put your peppers too deep or too shallow in the ground. Orient yourself to the depth you have already used in the seedling pot. If you would like to grow several hot peppers, we recommend a planting distance of 40 to 50 cm between the individual plants. If you place them in rows, you should have a decency of 50 to 60 cm between the rows. By the way, if your peppers are fruiting later, it will look very nice if you mix several varieties in the bed. The different species are also very well suited to each other.


So that the initially fragile shoots do not break in strong winds, a support helps. It can serve a simple stick (for example, bamboo), on which your hot peppers can rank up.