This location sure lobelia sure!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting Alyssum, Little Quick Fire Hydrangea, Primrose & Lobelia + Mulching Front Garden - May 2021
Video: Planting Alyssum, Little Quick Fire Hydrangea, Primrose & Lobelia + Mulching Front Garden - May 2021


The lobelia likes it warm and sunny

This location sure lobelia sure!

Whether as a gap filler between petunias and marigolds or on the balcony individually in the pot - the lobelia look fantastic with their sky-blue flowers. But not everywhere they feel equally well cared for ...

Next article Lobelia: The focus in the care

The love for sun and warmth is enormous

Lobelia yearn for sunshine and warmth. They need a lot of light to feel good and to be able to produce numerous flowers. Protected and sunny to partially shaded locations are therefore ideally suited.

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In the care lobelia complement each other with many other flowers and perennials. So they can be perfectly kept in the neighborhood of the following specimens:


In winter Lobelia need no place on the balcony, the terrace or in the garden. They do not survive the winter and can be pulled out in October. This creates space for planting other plants.