Potted palms: Maintain the attractive houseplants properly

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
5 Tips for Indoor Palm Care | Donna Joshi
Video: 5 Tips for Indoor Palm Care | Donna Joshi


Palm trees create a relaxed atmosphere in the apartment

Potted palms: Maintain the attractive houseplants properly

Without living green, rooms often appear barren and not very comfortable. Unlike a few years ago, when plants adorned the windowsills at best, today's plants are also used for interior design. Especially palm trees are extremely popular because of their beautiful fronds. So that the Mediterranean ambassadors in the pot flourish as well as desired, their special requirements must be fulfilled unconditionally.

Light and temperature requirements

In the wild, palm trees usually grow in very sunny areas. Therefore place the pot in the immediate vicinity of the window. Again, the light in the dark season is not always enough. An hourly switched plant lamp helps.

The temperature requirements of the plants vary depending on the variety. For example, mountain palms can be quite cool, while other species like the coconut palm need a lot of heat.


In heated rooms, the air is often very dry. Even for palm trees in dry areas, the humidity here can be too low, the leaves get brown tips and then die. There are several ways to effectively improve the indoor climate:

to water

The amount of water the potted palm needs depends on the species and on how much residual material is left in the pot. A good tip is to adhere to the old plant care rule: first make the thumb sample and water whenever the upper centimeters feel dry.


Palm trees are quite sensitive to over-fertilization. Fertilization is only during the growth phase in the summer months:

It is sufficient to fertilize at 14-day intervals.


Palm trees do not need to be repotted too often. You only need a new planter about every two to three years.

Which pots are suitable?

Since many species of palms form very long stems and large fronds, the pot must have sufficient stability and a high weight. Plastic containers usually do not meet these requirements, better are terracotta or clay tubs. Also pay attention to a large footprint. Although very pretty to look at, cylindrical vessels are often not strong enough.

The right substrate

The retailer is ready pre-mixed earth ready, which meets the needs of most palm species well. Alternatively, you can make the substrate yourself from potting soil and ground products.


In the pot, palm trees grow very slowly, often forming no more than two to many fronds per year. Care mistakes can be fatal for this reason, because they do not grow together for a long time. Check the plants at least weekly for pests or diseases and fight them consistently.