Bees, butterfly, hedgehog & Co. - How to create a colorful wild meadow

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 6 July 2024
Bees, butterfly, hedgehog & Co. - How to create a colorful wild meadow - Garden
Bees, butterfly, hedgehog & Co. - How to create a colorful wild meadow - Garden


Bees, butterfly, hedgehog & Co. - How to create a colorful wild meadow

There are many good reasons for the creation of a wild meadow: not only that such a flowering carpet is a very enjoyable sight, this meadow also provides numerous endangered animal and plant species an ecological shelter. Natural wildflower meadows have become extremely rare in our industrial agricultural landscape - and therefore even more important for the native flora and fauna.

Wild meadows want to grow undisturbed

Wild meadows have a very large biodiversity - more than 100 different flowers and herbs can thrive in a grassy meadow. However, this only applies if you leave the meadow largely alone. Meager meadows in particular should not be fertilized and otherwise processed, only one mowing once or twice a year is appropriate. Wild meadows need a lot of rest for undisturbed growth - after all they are "wild" crops that are not used to full care. However, you need a little patience until the newly created meadow has turned into a lush flowery sea. The plants need an average of between three and five years to establish themselves in their new biotope. Until then it can happen that you have to seize once from time to time.

Preparation of the soil

Creating the wild meadow is easiest if you do not simply sow the seed mixture on an already existing meadow or a lawn - grass is extremely assertive and will displace the more sensitive wild plants by its rapid growth again and again. Therefore, prepare the soil as follows before sowing:

Make sure that the location for the future wild meadow is as sunny as possible.

Sow flower seeds

Once the preparations have been completed, you can start sowing wildflower seeds. Most wildflowers and herbs are light germs, d. H. they should not be covered with earth, but only slightly pressed. On the other hand, many wild plants belong to the so-called cold germs, which do not accumulate within a few days after sowing, but only after the winter or a longer cold period. When sowing, proceed as follows:

If possible, do not buy any standard wild meadow mixtures in the garden center. These seed mixtures usually contain no game, but a colorful mix of crops - which are mostly not even native. It is better to resort to special seed mixtures (which often even correspond to the regional flora) from specialist retailers.

Tips & Tricks

Per square meter about one to two grams of seeds are expected. However, bring more seeds, because the germination rate of wild plants is significantly lower than that of crops.