Roses do not grow - causes and their elimination

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guaranteed method to get Basal Canes in your rose plant | GeekGardener
Video: Guaranteed method to get Basal Canes in your rose plant | GeekGardener


If roses grow slowly, it can have different causes

Roses do not grow - causes and their elimination

Roses are quite susceptible flowers, which often react in case of disturbances with a diminished or even completely discontinued growth. What causes and what you can do about it, we have put together for you in this article.

Soil tiredness is a common cause

If the freshly planted roses are growing so well, so-called soil fatigue may be the reason. The causes of this phenomenon have not yet been completely clarified, but it is suspected that the roses react to a specific bacterial cocktail in the soil. This develops when roses have already been at the selected location. Incidentally, other species belonging to the rose family (for example, stone and pomaceous fruits, raspberries, strawberries and also many ornamental plants) may produce this effect. As a rule, only a change of location or a generous exchange of soil helps.

Inappropriate location and improper care

Other common reasons for a lack of growth of the rose are an inappropriate location and / or improper care. If the location is right, roses forgive much, even minor negligence in the care. However, especially dry and wet soils make roses much more susceptible to pests and diseases, too little or incorrect nutrients lead to growth problems. Not only is the soil too lean or fertilization too low, but also over-fertilization - especially with nitrogen, phosphorus or lime.

Roses and pest infestation

Fungal diseases and pest infestation occur very often in roses, especially if they are already weakened due to improper care or an inappropriate location. This weakening often causes the roses to put less energy into growth - after all, they are completely preoccupied with fending off or compensating for the consequences of the infestation. If the rose is very vulnerable to the like, try a change of location. A strong pruning when transplanting and well-prepared soil in another location can reduce the susceptibility significantly.


If location and care are not the cause of the reduced growth, then possibly errors in planting in question. Many rose friends mulch the rose about, possibly with bark mulch. Roses does not tolerate such a treatment because the mulch prevents the necessary exchange of air in the soil and also promotes the colonization of fungi.