Healthy and beautiful roses on the balcony: The best tips

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow roses for beginners | Garden ideas
Video: How to grow roses for beginners | Garden ideas


Not all rose species thrive well on the balcony

Healthy and beautiful roses on the balcony: The best tips

Beautiful roses are not a privilege for garden owners, because many varieties can be cultivated very well on the balcony with the right care and a pasen pot.In order for this project to succeed, we have put together some important tips for maximum success.

The right variety choice

First of all, keep in mind that any bucket attitude due to the cramped space for plants means stress. For this reason, not all roses are suitable for a balcony culture.

Choose robust varieties

To ensure that you enjoy your roses for a long time and that you do not have to be annoyed with ailing specimens, choose robust and disease-resistant varieties. Especially recommended are the varieties of roses with the so-called ADR-seal, because they had to undergo years of strict review and prove their resistance.

Note the space available

Since the space in buckets is naturally limited, not all roses are suitable for this type of attitude. Very large rose varieties such as Rambler are unsuitable, you better fall back on compact shrub or bed roses. Hochstämmchen are ideal for a bucket culture and some miniature roses even feel comfortable in the balcony box. With the exception of these, however, roses always need sufficiently high pots, with dimensions from 50 x 50 centimeters - depending on the growth strength of the respective rose variety - are optimal. Roses are pronounced deep roots and need more space in the depth than in the width.

Location and substrate

If the location is not right, any rugged rose will feel uncomfortable and will give you little pleasure. Conversely, the plant forgives you small care mistakes, if they feel comfortable only in their place.

The pase Rose for every location

Although roses generally prefer a sunny spot, they do not tolerate heat or heat accumulation. It should be bright on your balcony - optimally about four to five hours of sun per day - and quite airy, but direct sunlight throughout the day, the Rose is not necessarily goutieren. Balconies in southwest or southeastern orientation are very well suited, while pure south-facing balconies should be shaded at least over lunchtime. But also for shadier west, east and even north locations, there are suitable varieties of roses.


Also, be sure to buy frost hardy rose varieties. These plants are best planted in a bucket made of clay, as they keep cold temperatures in the winter best. Nevertheless, a good winter protection is essential.